Sunday, April 26, 2015

7 Month Baby Update!

Age: 7 months
Pureed Food:  

Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I do make all Greyson's baby food, haven't bought anything store bought yet and it's been working out really well. So now at 7 months he still gets food twice a day (one veggie and then rice cereal at bed time). So in additional to last months food, he's now also eating the following...
  • Sweet Potato  (Loved this as I think the sweeter taste caught his interest)
  • Broccoli (Really liked it at first but found he didn't feel too well after our 3 day test so we won't be doing this again)
  • Green Beans (Thicker texture now that we're stepping up our game over here)
  • Crawling!! He started crawling on Sunday, April 19th (The day before he turned 7 months) and now he's constantly on the move!
  • Sprouted his first two bottom teeth! We knew this was coming as he was none to happy at night and was drooling like a St. Bernard majority of the day. But yowza do those bites hurt now!
  • Sleeps steadily through the night with a hiccup here and there, but we never have to go in and sooth him anymore, so it's amazing now getting sleep- If only I could train my mind to stop waking up at a random hour as my body still thinks I need to be on high alert.
So those are the big changes now that he's 7 months and I will follow up with his 7 month favorites in a week or so when I've really pinned them down, as I know there a couple that he's all about right now but more will be added I'm sure. :)

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