Saturday, March 25, 2017

Fun 2 year old activity!

The kids and I went to Michaels last week to pick up some paint supplies I needed for my etsy signs (would love for you to check out my new shop!) and we ended up coming across a handful of super cute bird houses for painting. When I saw those babies were 50% off I thought it would be such a fun project for Greyson! So he got to pick out his favorite one (Cost me $2!!) and we headed out since I had brushed and washable paint at home. Who doesn't love a cheap but super entertaining project that keeps your toddler busy for a good 30-45 minute!? Michaels or Joanne's really gets those creative juices flowing for me, so I love wandering around for fun new activities for the kids, so couldn't have been happier to come across this painting project. I try as much as possible to keep TV to the bare minimum and get outside to play, do crafts, play with their bazillion toys, just anything to get their minds working and not staring at a screen. So painting, although can be frightening when you have walls and carpet and furniture that paint can travel to, it's still a fun one to teach them about creativity ANNNNDDD staying in their painting zone only. :)

So this activity we used this birdhouse found at Michaels, we used our Crayola washable paints and got to painting! He did such a great job and loved getting into all the corners and switching up colors. I loved just sitting their watching him as I could tell how interested and happy he was doing this all by himself. I've found over the last year especially that he's getting more and more creative so who knows, maybe he'll be a painter one day! Or his latest obsession has been taking photos with our camera (slightly terrifying as I'm so worried he's going to drop it, but he's actually nailed some nice photos! LOL - see below!)

The finished product, our little Picasso :)

Greyson's pro photography skills of his little brother!

I look forward to doing more painting projects like this and including Jaxon once he gets a little bigger and eating the paint isn't his main priority...

Sharing all about my favorite burrito bowls and our trip to La Quinta next time!



  1. That Bird house came out really well!! I think you should put it out and see if any birds will use it!!

  2. Isn't he such a good little artist!? I want to hang it outside, just need to get a hook added to the top and then it's definitely going up! :)


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