Sunday, February 5, 2017

Dinosaur 1st Birthday for our little Jaxon

This year seemed to fly by faster than ever. I can't believe our little Jaxon is already one years old and zooming past all those little things that qualify him more as a baby and not as a toddler. He's not drinking bottles anymore, just straight up whole milk from a sippy cup! Where has my baby gone!? He's moments away from walking. He waves, talks (babbles) up a storm, and is now really letting us know when he's not interested in what we're asking of him...Now if that's not showing toddler symptoms I don't know what is. It's crazy in and of itself that we can now say we have 1 year old and a 2 year old ( *insert bug eyed face!*)  Although having 2 toddlers really is something to enjoy as they are both experiencing all of life's amazing things together and having them grow up so close in age I hope inspires them to forever be great friends.

So this weekend we celebrated Jaxon's 1st birthday with a fun Dinosaur theme party and I LOVE how it all turned out. But what I love more are all the family and friends that took the time to be here to celebrate with us. We had many drive all the way up from San Diego and my brother even drove 8 hours to get here, so we are incredibly grateful! It always means so much to me when people get together to celebrate my kids, so I'm eternally grateful for the amazing people in our lives, so to all of you THANK YOU! We're extremely blessed having you all in our lives.
Pardon the backdrop...the wind blew the sides over the back so after this photo I ended up fixing it and taping it down. Not sure why I didn't retake these photos but none the less, I loved how the wall turned out.

Our little dino nest out front!

I had everyone sign a dinosaur themed book as a little party momento for Jaxon

Lots of fun food like dinosaur shaped sandwiches, herbivore cups of veggies and delicious jungle pasta
My fun backdrop board!

I made custom water bottle wraps - custom everything makes it so much fun!

My attempt at making a 2 tier fondant cake didn't come out as well as I'd hope but whatever, looked cute on top of the cupcake tower lol 

So for this party I went nuts using my Cricut Air 2 making tons of different dinosaur decorations. Anyone that loves crafting and doesn't have one of these, stop reading this and go buy one. It's A-MAZE-ING! I made centerpieces, Jaxon's monthly milestone banner and his Happy Birthday Banner on the big backboard of the drink/dessert table. The silverware charms, I even whipped up his happy birthday card, that I forgot to make, at 9pm (anyone that really knows me will tell you this is very late for me to be up doing'd think I was a 90 year old woman as I love to be in bed watching Friends by 8ish LOL). 

I then used my new Photoshop program and made this chalkboard print to show people a little more about what milestones Jaxon was at, the things he loves and anything else that gave people a little more insight on who this special boy of ours really is. :)

We couldn't be happier with how the party turned out and how gracious everyone was! Based on these last couple photos you can really tell how happy Jaxon was all day. Between a bounce house slide, gift wrap galore, yummy food, a bunch of friends and family and a giant bow, who wouldn't be happy!? Hope you all have a great rest of your weekend!! 


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